A Little About Me

Hello! My name is Jacob Sussman and I am a senior computer science student at Marquette University. When I'm not studying, I like to stay busy with coding, playing guitar, cooking, and exercising with friends. In addition to my studies, I am the founder of BitByBite, a software development firm focused on using artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems. I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn as a developer.


My Stack

I love to work with up-to-date technologies to create efficient and well-designed websites. My stack consists of React & CSS on the front-end, and GraphQL & Firebase on the back-end. I also use the latest frameworks and libraries, such as Next.js/NextUI, to maximize my productivity and create beautiful breathable applications.

  • React

  • TypeScript

  • Sketch

  • Github


One more thing

Looking to build beatiful applications? Have ideas that could change the future or maybe you just want to chat about machine learning? I'd love to hear from you!
